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Photo with caption: Through the light of knowledge!About Us

Share Your Learning

MERLOT makes it easy to share what you found useful and helpful for your learning. Simply "Click to Share" any material you find in MERLOT.

Don't forget to check out MERLOT's Mobile Apps for Learning Collection.

MERLOT members have created thousands of BOOKMARK COLLECTIONS that are sharable.

Browse the BOOKMARK COLLECTIONS in different disciplines

If you FIND a BOOKMARK COLLECTION that you like you can simply "Copy the Bookmark Collection" to add it to your profile. Then you can edit your new Bookmark Collection to make it your own.

You cam also Connect with MERLOT members around the world and share learning with them individually. Find a mentor, colleague, teacher, consultant, friend and more!

ADD Free Course Materials You're Using or Authored Into MERLOT

Are you using free course materials you found on the web in your teaching or your learning? Have you posted free course materials online that are open for others to use? We invite you to catalog these online course materials you use or authored in MERLOT. Your colleagues and students around the world will thank you!


First: Become a member of MERLOT (It will take about 2 minutes and it’s FREE).

Second: Fill out the online form to Contribute a Material. (It will take about 4 minutes the first time and step-by-step instructions for contributing materials (PDF) to MERLOT are available).

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Using Your Smartphone or Tablet?

Download MERLOT's FREE Mobile Apps:

for Android at Google Play

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for iOS devices at itunes store